After last year’s successful kick-off event, we are ready for Peer Review Week #2! From September 19th to September 25th, the scholarly communications community comes together to recognize the importance and value of peer review and peer reviewers.
This year, the theme is all about Recognizing Review, and the valiant efforts of the research community in performing and managing peer review.
To celebrate this, and discuss the topic further, PaperHive, Publons, Nature Communications, and ScienceOpen will be holding a webinar on September 19th at 11AM BST all about new and future approaches for acknowledging the peer review process.

Peer Review Week 2016
We have assembled a crack panel of speakers for your entertainment:
- Andrew Preston, founder of Publons
- Katie Ridd, Senior Editor at Nature Communications
- Alexander Naydenov, co-founder of PaperHive
- Stephanie Dawson, CEO of ScienceOpen
Some of the general themes we’ll be exploring are the:
- Importance of recognizing the efforts of editors and referees in facilitating and being involved in peer review, and especially ‘open review’;
- Value of keeping the discussion going after research is published (i.e., the treatment of peer review as a process);
- Innovative technologies and approaches to open and post-publication review;
- Visions for the future of peer review, which also happens to fit in really nicely with the SPOTON theme this year.
The webinar will consist of four 10-15 minute talks from each of our presenters. Alexander from PaperHive will talk about contextual post-publication peer review, as well as how collaborative reading encourages critical thinking and scrutiny. The question how this serves as peer review training will be addressed.
To sign up, please register here, and contact if you have any questions.